Sunday, June 28, 2009

What the Fuck is this?

What in the fuck is this thing.......and where can i get one? I need new drinking buddies. Cute cudly furry ones!!!The high country is nice! Real nice! This is Salt Creek..............It is fast and salty!!!

That town 8 miles away and 3000 feet below is Rico, CO, my kick ass town!!! All down hill now except for the last 4 miles on the road back. So i guess halfway is down?

Guskea, out!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ohh Sedona!

I Like Sedona...a lot! We took a trip down to Sedona to suprise the sister in law for her 40th bday! We spent a couple of days riding the bikes and a couple of nights eating and drinking with Laura and Jeffro aka(the midget, el freako from rico, my little pony, willow, el heffe, the bearded clam((i made that one up!)) It feels real good to be in a high dessert forest on sweet singletrack! Real good! Everything about Sedona was awesome, except the crazy guy crying to a large crystal!!! WTF?
Everything around Telluride and Rico is starting to dry out! I hear it is going to hit 103 this friday in Phoenix, Az. Poor 'sons o bitches!' It will be 64 degrees with a 96% chance of being awesome here in Rico.
Bloomer have a safe trip out here, i ate all your Clif stuff!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wow. I wish i was still on vacation.

I am so happy spring has sprung!
It sure was nice leaving Telluride and finding the beach and the warm Vegas sun! Sophia and i left the dags for 10 days--- rode bikes, drank large amounts of alcohol(me) and ate 6 wheelbarrels full of good food! All yeah, i also came home ahead.
We stayed with our good friends the Sussbecks! No, not the Timberlakes, the Sussmans!

Soph and i did a little El Moro canyon bike ride. Who would guess you can climb 2250 feet in 13 miles right off the beach? Felt good on the singlespeed! A lot of douchebags out there though! How did they get there? I find myself asking this a lot!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Rust Sucks!!!

Glass eyes and wooden teeth. The engine's rusted in a deep deep sleep, it waits, it waits to awake.................
Please check out Dirty Dustin Clements new blog, it is a free for all posting so anyone can pretty much run their mouths about anything! As long as it is not boring or bullshit.

Sunday, March 1, 2009 is March!!!

It is finally March and Spring is in the air!!! Soon, we will be riding bicycles, grilling various delicious cuts of meat and drinking on the deck!!! It can't come soon enough.
Soph and I took the three domesticated rats for a snowshoe the other day. They found plenty of snacks or what we call 'animal terds'. They also found assorted play toys or what we call 'elk skulls'! Man it was nice, possibly 50 degrees! We also did a little avalanche control work, well the dogs peed on it anyway!!!

Yummy, a little snack for the hike!
If we all pee on the slide it shouldn't move much further!

Merle says "hey Jackson and Moki come over here and play with this toy i found!"

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Your job aint that bad!!!

Next time you start complaining about your job, picture yourself up an elephants ass working!!! All though, it would be pretty quiet in there!!! Also, there are probably no phones??? Wait...i think i may try to find a job up an elephants ass!

The guy looking at the camera is a bit pissed at the fact that he is the low man on the totem pole. He knows one day that he will get a chance to get up in there!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Oh Yeah!!!

I ran into a wookie up there!!!

Thankfully, i got away.......but he stole my cookie!!! We took some real nice turns today. But we still talked about bikes!
When you are knee deep in fresh powder flying down a gigantic steep mountain there is something to be said. I am sorry , i don't know what that is! But i will tell you this... i like steep mountains and deep snow!
The Steelers won another Superbowl! That makes six. Believe me, they are not gonna stop anytime soon. I hope people don't start hating them like the Patriots!
I leave you with this.......enjoy!